In 3-days, a GoFundMe campaign for President Trump's border wall raises over $2.5M

A GoFundMe campaign titled "We The People Will Fund The Wall" has raised over $2.5 million and counting, to build President Donald Trump's border wall. More than 16,000 people have pledged donations to the campaign created Sunday, by a "fundraising team" in Miramar, Florida. Its initial goal of $200 million has been bumped to $1 billion.
On Tuesday, White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, revealed the administration is exploring "different" sources to pay for his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. Trump has demanded $5 billion to pay for the border wall he promised to build during his campaign, according to reports.
Kolfage, a staunch supporter of the Trump presidency, believes the crowdfunding campaign can reach its goal if the 63 million people who voted for President Trump contributes.


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